Category Archives — "Jewelry"

Alex Sepkus is out! Or, as he might say, Alex Sepkus is also not so out. In a world full of designers scrambling to turn fine jewellery into an offshoot of the fashion industry — and therefore, by nature, attuned to the fad (it‘s called the rag trade for a reason) — Alex remains so …
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I have been fascinated with rare gems since I was first exposed to loose gems as a teenager. Mostly, I am interested in rare precious gems like, sapphires and rubies. Sapphires from Sri Lanka and other parts of Asia have been found in all colors of the rainbow, save red….which are rubies. I like to …
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I have always enjoyed cufflinks and the variety of cufflinks styles from all eras. Cufflinks are one of the few jewelry collectibles for men. Over many years I have come to know many men that enjoy collecting special cufflinks. Most of these men utilize their cufflinks several days of the week with their daily suiting. …
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